Wednesday, May 28, 2008

An Excuse From a Husband

I am a very good patient; I listen to what the doctor said to me, “You must control what you eat”.
I didn’t eat more than 1bowl of rice this afternoon. At tea time, I just took a slice of wholemeal bread and 1piece of banana.

In the evening, my stomach started makes noise. I’m very hungry. And I didn’t dare to have so much rice, but I ate more vegetables.

Another 2-3hours later, I fell hungry again. Oh…

So, I asked Joseph to take me out for supper as he didn’t eat so much too just now. He was reading his book, and I could see that he was very sleepy. I let him sleep for few minutes.

I pity him; these few days he accompanied me to attend the antenatal class. Come back from work, eat dinner, take bath, go for 2hours class, eat supper, and go straight to bed.

Finally, I think not to wake him up as he slept like a baby. So, I ate 2slices of bread and drink milk.

He woke up and saw me prepared the milk, and he joked to me, “Sorry, I wanted to bring you for supper, but doctor said cannot”, and he continued his sleeping.

See! He is sleepy but still gives me an excuse.

Anyhow, “Good night my dear husband…”

1 comment:

The 3 Slims said...

hahahahahaha... very good very good. you guys will have more tired times ahead of you. :) God bless.

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