Monday, September 8, 2008

Awesome Sports Social Network

I remember when I was 10years old, there was a Japanese serial movie inspired me about a sport. It was about volley ball. What made me very interested with this sport was the action. When they were in a critical time, they needed to do a smash and they did a jump and roll in the sky before they smash the ball. And they always win. I know that it’s not real, how could we jump and roll in the sky and do the smash. Anyhow, I love this sport.

When I was 15years old, there were few sports activities in the church where I attend. I was too happy to know that one of the sports was volley ball.

First session, it made my arm turned red and blue, and it’s painful. But I never give up learning this sport. I’m happy at least I know how to play, although I’m still not a good player.

After I married to my husband, there are more sports I love to watch, because he likes to watch sports channel. But recently we move to our new house, and we haven’t bought the TV yet. There is no TV to watch, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t watch sports.

We still can do our Sportsviews through online. You can go to, it’s a new Sports Social Network. You may know sports events and issues. There are sites for you to discuss about the sports you like, make new friends, create blogs, share videos, pictures and much more. Sportsviews is a 100% free community serving sports fans. Anyone can Join!

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