Monday, March 9, 2009

I Took Fidel To The Kindergarten

For the first time I took Fidel, 5month-old baby to the kindergarten last Thursday. I’m sure you are wondering why this baby goes to the kindy on his early age.

Well… Of course not for his early education. After my long holiday, I start to teach in the kindergarten again. Usually my mother-in-law comes and takes care of Fidel for few hours when I am not around. That day, I forgot to call her to come earlier.

I couldn’t wait for her to come, or else the students will miss their singing class. So, I brought him to the kindergarten where I teach. I put him in his stroller and place it next to me. He really enjoy the singing time. He sat quietly, his eyes looked around the rooms. He didn’t make any noise or cry for one hour.

Thank you for being a good baby boy, dear… Mommy loves you so much.
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