Today I bought a pack of formula milk for Fidel. Tomorrow morning we will leave our house quite early to the church, so I prepared his rice cereal into the plastic container.
I opened the box and when I took out the packing inside, suddenly my eyes gazed the date which was written there “USE BY 04/06/2009”. Oh dear! The milk is expired. It was really scared me when thinking of how if I didn’t see the date and let my baby consume the expired milk. Oh no, oh no! I hurried check all the rest of baby foods that I bought.
Normally, beside dairy product or something which can stand for few days, I rarely check the expiry date of the food that I buy. Next time, I will check all the date of expiry, no matter what. Must remember to check!
Thank God that He protects my baby. He opened my eyes to stare at the date.