Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's a Boy!

I went to Adventist hospital with Joseph to do a regular check-up of my pregnancy. I'm pregnant for 19weeks. We were very excited because we will know the sex of our baby. I wish it's a girl, but my feeling said it's a boy. Usually mother's feeling always right.

I told doctor that I have a low back pain every time I get up in the morning for these 2days. He asked me not to sleep straight, but to sleep on the side, either left or right. Because the baby weight probably presses down the low back while we sleep. Anyhow, it works, no more pain while get up, but I'm not used to it, and couldn't sleep well.

Doctor did the ultrasound, and we can see the baby size is bigger now. And it's a boy! Oh... We thank God for this little cute baby boy. We could see his tiny kidney, the heart with 4rooms, the brain, etc. It's really amazing! His hands and legs keep moving actively. And he was like doing yoga exercise. The position was curling.

People, who don't know me, won't know that I'm pregnant because my tummy still small. My weight only gained for 3.1kg, but the size of my baby is normal. I will eat more as my appetite is getting better and better.

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