Some of my friends do not know that I did a caesarean birth, and they surprised to know that I did a caesarean birth.
I did my morning walk for 3days before deliver, and on 19September I did extra walking in the evening while waiting for my mother in law brought us dinner. I felt tired and I went home for a rest. I noticed that the water broke. I called my husband and one of the sisters from our cell group to arrange the nearest friend to drive me to hospital.
I reached hospital at 8.00pm, and they pushed me to labor room and waiting for doctor came at 11pm. I was in a very painful of contraction for 3hours. Doctor checked and said that the cervix dilated only for 1cm and meanwhile the baby already passed motion inside. Doctor said cannot wait longer, need to do surgery immediately. He was afraid baby would swallow the excrement, which is very dangerous for the baby.
I always wish that I could have a normal birth. I am afraid of surgery, afraid of the epidural needle. But that time, because of too painful, I don’t care normal or c/s as long as I can exceed from the contraction pain.
The surgery started at 11.45pm (19September), and they took out the baby on 12.09am (20September). I was thinking how easy to deliver a baby by c/s, there were no painful. But after 2-3hours, the anesthetic gone and I started feel my tummy got wind, a little bit painful. Slowly I can feel more painful at my lower abdomen because of the surgery, and it become very painful, until I didn’t dare to move.
They let me stay on the bed for one day, but the next day I need to learn to walk. I did try get down from my bed (Joseph helped me), half way I couldn’t continue it, because it’s too painful, it’s very difficult to walk even one step. I think I walked slower than the snail. The pain last after 1week.
I have a plan to have 2-3 children, but after experience the pain of labor, I will think again and again.
Thank God that He gave me strength to bear all the pain I felt that day. Thanks to all brothers and sisters for your prayers. And thank my husband for his support, care and love that soothed me.
1 comment:
after reading your blog, i was reminded of myself 5 years ago. glad you and the baby were alright.
I wish you well on your motherhood. God bless!!
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