Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

First of all, I want to say happy father’s day to every father, especially to my dearest dad.

Maybe it’s too early to talk about father’s day now. It’s one month earlier, but let us thinks of our daddy, and we may prepare something special for him to appreciate his love.

I’m blessed to have a good father like him. He doesn’t talk a lot, but if we, his children have something want to discuss, he likes to talk with us. He is very understanding, kind and patient.

I really thank him that he brought me to music school when I was 6years old. I learned piano and I love it. Year after year, the piano lesson became more and more difficult. My dad forced me to practice every day, at least half hour a day.

After few years, dad brought my younger brother and younger sister to learn piano as well. Every kind of lesson is easy for the first time. They could follow the lesson, but after few years, one by one gave up. Remain me alone. I was thinking to give up too, but I don’t know how I kept think of my father’s feeling. He must be sad if all his children stop their music lesson. Children can play instrument is his dream. He likes to sing hymns and some old Chinese songs, and he would be happy if one day he can sing the song and his children can play piano as the accompaniment. So, I continued to learn piano because my love to my dad. I didn’t want to make him sad, though it’s still very hard to follow the entire lesson.

I played piano at the pre-teenage church Sunday worship for the first time when I was 13years old. My senior friend taught me how to be an accompanist at the church (Thank you brother Jimmy and Sonny!). I become a pianist in the choirs too.

Thank you daddy!

I can serve the Lord with my music talent because of you.
Thank you that you “force” me to learn.

I love you so much!

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